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Cofense Phishing Concept

Cofense Stand: N41
  • Cofense Phishing Concept
  • Cofense Phishing Concept
Cofense Phishing Concept Cofense Phishing Concept

The AI Email Security Gap 

Email is the largest security threat vector for your business. With generative AI, phishing attackers not only have the initiative, but the time and capital needed to innovate and outpace your traditional or model-based SEG. This is the AI email security gap, and why it’s so critical to pursue a diversified strategy for protecting your email. 


Cofense elevates your email protection, going far beyond SEG-based filtering, with a solution that spans employee training, reporting, automation, intelligence, and risk management. The Cofense PhishMe architecture complements your SEGs and closes the AI email security gap. 

Two Synergistic Platforms 

The PhishMe solution architecture is comprised of two complementary solutions for employee security awareness training (SAT) and phishing defense. Together, these solutions create a virtuous cycle of human-vetted intelligence at scale that catches increasingly sophisticated AI-powered phishing attacks that traditional and model-based SEGs miss.  


PhishMe Security Awareness Training (SAT) 


The PhishMe SAT Platform was specifically designed to help organizations train employees for resilience against phishing attacks that evade traditional and model-based SEG detection.  


The platform delivers three primary capabilities:   

  • Security Awareness Training (SAT): Deliver simulations of real-world, observed SEG-miss threats to build employee resilience, supported by an optional LMS for building core knowledge.  

  • Malicious Email Reporting: PhishMe Reporter enables easy reporting of suspicious emails with a single click, turning employees into active participants in your email defense. 

  • Risk Validation: Identify and validate risk points in your training program, segment users, and focus new initiatives to build greater cyber resilience. 


Phishing Threat Detection and Response (PDR) Platform  


PDR is a powerful human intelligence-driven platform for detecting and remediating phishing threats missed by traditional and model-based SEGs.  


The PDR platform is comprised of three complementary products:  


  • Triage Email Analytics: a phishing-specialized tool for speed analysis and threat determination from user-reporting.  

  • Cofense Intelligence: the industry’s only phishing-focused threat intelligence offering, leveraging data from the world’s largest global phishing reporting network.  

  • Vision Email Auto-Quarantine: a high-performance, automated phishing indexing tool for rapid detection and quarantining of malicious emails.  

Service Offerings 

In addition to the two primary platforms that can be deployed by customers directly, Cofense offers a managed service version of PDR as well as professional services to help organization implement PhishMe SAT. 


Managed PDR (mPDR) Service  

Cofense offers the industry’s only managed email security service, powered by the Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC), a global, phishing-focused SOC operation. Over three million employees are protected by mPDR today. 

PhishMe SAT Professional Services  

For organizations that need assistance to build and launch effective Phishing-focused SAT, Cofense offers deep expertise on a professional services basis to initiate or evolve your programs, so you can make the most of your SAT initiatives

Close the Gap by Seeing and Acting On What SEGs Miss  

The complete PhishMe Solution combines the world’s largest reporting network of 35M+ Cofense-trained employees and AI/ML to provide organizations access to state-of-the-art SEG-miss SAT, malicious email reporting, automated threat analysis and remediation, and risk management intelligence defending your email. 

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