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Defend Your Inbox with Customised AI Spam Filtering

Cofense Stand: N41

Every CISO knows the struggle of combating malicious and spam emails. They flood our inboxes, clutter our systems, and distract our Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts from more critical tasks. But what if there was a way to make your email security and spam filtering smarter, more efficient, and tailored specifically for your organisation? Enter Cofense’ new Triage Custom AI Spam Filtering (AISF), a cutting-edge new solution designed to enhance email security by leveraging a Bayesian Machine Learning model.

The Spam Filtering Challenge

The Burden on SOCs

Spam emails aren't just a minor nuisance; they are a significant drain on resources. In fact, spam constitutes at least 30% of the emails that bypass traditional Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) and other filters. According to our data from the Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC), this figure can soar to 44%. The impact is profound, requiring SOC analysts to devote substantial time to sorting through spam, diverting them from more pressing security threats. One customer reported dedicating the equivalent of a Full-Time Employee (FTE) just to manage spam emails.

Accuracy Matters

While filtering is essential, it's a double-edged sword. Overzealous filtering can block legitimate emails, leading to unnecessary scrutiny and rollback efforts. This not only wastes time but can also disrupt business operations. Therefore, finding the right balance between effective spam filtering and minimising false positives is crucial.

Introducing Triage Custom AI Spam Filtering (AISF)

Triage Custom AISF is an add-on feature that uses a Bayesian Machine Learning model to provide spam filtering tailored to each customer. Unlike generic spam filters, Triage AISF learns from your specific email traffic, making it uniquely effective for your organisation's needs. This custom approach ensures higher accuracy and more efficient spam management.

What Makes It Unique?

Cofense has been training models for some time, extensively using AI/ML for years to help organisations effectively identify and remediate zero-day emerging phishing threats. We’re big believers in utilising technology to enhance productivity and velocity. But this wealth of experience means we understand that AI models alone are not enough to secure your email and are only as good as the training and data they receive.

Our unique approach believes in combining human vetted intelligence with AI/ML to ensure high fidelity, and this is exactly what we have delivered with Triage Custom AISF. The new solution stays away from the latest flashy iterations of AI, and addresses the challenges faced daily by SOC analysts to ensure high accuracy and efficiency that evolves with an organisations needs. It focusses on a fundamental Bayesian machine learning algorithm trained on the data you provide it. 


How Does Triage AISF Work?

Training the model begins as soon as you activate the feature. You categorise emails into spam and business communications, and the AI starts learning immediately. If you're a current Triage customer, existing data can be used to pre-train the model, accelerating its effectiveness. Once you are confident in the model’s performance and establish a baseline spam score, automation will then categorise and process any emails exceeding the threshold.


Key Features of Triage Custom AI Spam Filtering

Bayesian Machine Learning & Increased Efficiency

At the heart of Triage AISF is Bayes' algorithm, a fundamental machine learning technique renowned for its efficiency in scoring and identifying emails similar to previously received spam messages. This robust algorithm ensures high accuracy in spam detection without the pitfalls of over-filtering.

By automating spam filtering, Triage AISF significantly reduces the workload on SOC analysts. This frees them to concentrate on more vital security issues, improving overall efficiency within your organiSation. The time saved can be redirected towards proactive threat hunting and incident response.

Rapid Training, Adaptation & Accuracy

The model starts learning the moment you turn it on. By categorizing your emails, you provide it with the data it needs to differentiate between spam and legitimate communications. The model continually adapts, improving its performance over time. This dynamic learning process means it gets better and more accurate the longer you use it.

The custom nature of Triage AISF ensures that the spam filter is tailored to your specific email traffic. This results in fewer false positives and negatives, providing a more reliable spam filtering solution. Higher accuracy means fewer disruptions and a smoother workflow for your team.


Automation for Efficiency

Once the model reaches a reliable spam detection rate, automation can be enabled. This allows the AI to process and categorize emails autonomously, freeing up your SOC analysts to focus on more critical security tasks. Automation ensures that no spam email goes unchecked, enhancing the overall security posture of your organization.



Triage AISF is designed to grow with your organisation. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the model adapts to your email volume and complexity. This scalability ensures that your spam filtering remains effective, no matter how your organisation evolves.



Spam filtering is a critical aspect of email security, but it doesn't have to be a tedious burden on your SOC analysts. Triage Custom AI Spam Filtering offers a tailored, efficient, and scalable solution that enhances your organisation's security posture. By leveraging a Bayesian Machine Learning model, Triage AISF provides high accuracy and adaptability, ensuring your spam filter evolves with your needs. Don't let spam emails drain your resources—transform your email security with Triage AISF today.

Join Cofense at the International Cyber Expo to learn more about this upcoming capability, and experience a demo to see the benefits firsthand.

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